85 research outputs found

    Islamic Currency Swap: Can Be the Best Way to Hedge Indonesia Hajj Fund?

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    The operational costs of Hajj in foreign currencies will always face the risk of changes in exchange rates. Hajj operational costs will continue to grow in line with the increasing number of pilgrims. But at present, the government (BPKH) does not have a currency hedging policy to reduce the risk of fluctuating currency values. Hajj operational costs are saved in rupiah, dollar and riyal currencies. As a result, deposits of pilgrims will continue to be overshadowed by the reduction in value due to the depreciation of the rupiah against the dollar and riyals. Hedging policy is a necessity in the management of Hajj funds. This study will use an Islamic currency swap simulation analysis. According to the MUI DSN No 96 in 2015, a swap is a contract that starts a spot transaction followed by a forward agreement by setting a forward exchange rate. Then it is settled by spot transactions using the agreed forward exchange rate. The results of the study show that the dollar and riyal in 2018 are in a state of high volatility, so hedging is needed to reduce cash outflows. Based on analysis, Islamic currency swap can be the best hedging to the operational costs of Hajj in USD is with tenors 30 days, 180 days, 360 days. while the operational costs of Hajj are in Saudi Arabia Riyal currency, efficient in overnight tenors, 30 days, 90 days and 180 days

    Pengaruh Audit Internal Terhadap Kualitas Produk Dan Penjualan Di PT Gokana Ramen Dan Teppan Cabang Piset Square Bandung

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    Pertumbuhan ekonomi yang sangat pesat merupakan keuntungan yang tidak dapat dihindari oleh pelaku bisnis, apalagi bisnis di bidang kuliner yang sangat pesat dan beragam. Pertumbuhan cafe-cafe dan restoran sangatlah cepat didorong dengan persaingan yang bersifat hypercompetition yang membuat para pelaku bisnis dibidang ini harus berinovasi terhadap USAhanya. Kualitas produk merupakan keseluruhan ciri serta sifat barang dan jasa yang berpengaruh pada kemampuan dalam memenuhi kebutuhan dan keinginan yang dinyatakan maupun yang tersirat. Selain kualitas produk, penjualan merupakan unsur yang mendapat peranan penting bagi Perusahaan, karena dari aktivitas inilah Perusahaan memperoleh pendapatan yang akan digunakan sebagai sumber biaya bagi kelangsungan hidup Perusahaan. Berdasarkan masalah diatas peneliti penulis mencoba untuk melakukan penelitian pada Perusahaan PT Gokana Ramen dan Teppan Cabang Piset Suare Bandung. Metode yang dipakai ini adalah analisis deskriptif dan analisis verifikatif yang akan menganalisis bagian kualitas produk dan penjualan untuk mengetahui seberapa jauh perbedaan antara realitas dan target penjualan maupun kualitas produk dan diolah secara statistic dengan SPSS 23 for windows

    Desain Pengembangan Kurikulum Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab pada Tujuan Khusus Pemandu Wisata (Tour Guide)

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    Language Arabic, which has now become an international language, has a big contribution in developing science. This Tern shows the existence of active Arabic communication with the languages that exist in this world. By using a language that is understood together, one can establish social relations in the community. The purpose of this study is to design Arabic learning curriculum development specifically for the purpose here of tourism as a tour guide. This research method used library research. The results of the research show that the design learning of Arabic curriculum development is a special purpose tour guide, a tour guide is more, able, fluent and professional in communicating Arabic and knows the ins and outs of the world of tourism, as well as the destination when dealing with tourists from the Middle East

    Aktivitas Brand Activation Cakap Pada PT Cerdas Digital Nusantara Di Jakarta

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    Persaingan pada industri Ed-Tech di Indonesia makin berkembang pesat, khususnya pada tahun 2020 ini di mana semua perusahaan mencoba terjun di bidang teknologi dan komunikasi. PT Cerdas Digital Nusantara atau yang lebih dikenal dengan Cakap, menjadi salah satu perusahaan yang terus mengembangkan bisnisnya di bidang teknologi dan komunikasi yang dengan harapannya dapat memutus keterbatasan jarak dan waktu untuk meningkatkan pendidikan anak bangsa. Sekarang setiap orang dapat dengan mudah untuk belajar kapanpun dan di manapun sesuai keinginan mereka. Melihat peluang dan masa depan industri Education Technology, penulis akhirnya tertarik melakukan praktek kerja magang di Cakap yang diketahui sebagai salah satu brand Edtech di Indonesia yang sudah well-informed di masyarakat Indonesia. Perusahaan ini memiliki fitur belajar berbagai macam bahasa melalui interaksi digital. Dalam menjaga hubungan dengan customer maupun calon customer, Cakap senantiasa memanfaatkan strategi Aktivasi Brand secara offline maupun online. Dengan harapan dapat membangun hubungan emosional yang lebih dalam dengan para penggunanya dimanapun berada. Selama melakukan praktik kerja magang di departemen Marketing Communication Offline pada divisi PR & Event intern, penulis membantu perusahaan dalam menyusun strategi dan mengimplmentasikan strategi Aktivasi Brand Activaion yang efektif bagi PT Cerdas Digital Nusantara

    Islamic Currency Swap: Can Be The Best Way to Hedge Indonesia Hajj Fund?

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    The operational costs of Hajj in foreign currencies will always face the risk of changes in exchange rates. Hajj operational costs will continue to grow in line with the increasing number of pilgrims. But at present, the government (BPKH) does not have a currency hedging policy to reduce the risk of fluctuating currency values. Hajj operational costs are saved in rupiah, dollar and riyal currencies. As a result, deposits of pilgrims will continue to be overshadowed by the reduction in value due to the depreciation of the rupiah against the dollar and riyals. Hedging policy is a necessity in the management of Hajj funds. This study will use an Islamic currency swap simulation analysis. According to the MUI DSN No 96 in 2015, a swap is a contract that starts a spot transaction followed by a forward agreement by setting a forward exchange rate. Then it is settled by spot transactions using the agreed forward exchange rate. The results of the study show that the dollar and riyal in 2018 are in a state of high volatility, so hedging is needed to reduce cash outflows. Based on analysis, Islamic currency swap can be the best hedging to the operational costs of Hajj in USD is with tenors 30 days, 180 days, 360 days. while the operational costs of Hajj are in Saudi Arabia Riyal currency, efficient in overnight tenors, 30 days, 90 days and 180 days.


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    Telah dilakukan penelitian untuk menganalisis solusi persamaan Schrödinger Nonlinear (NLS) sebagai solusi soliton dengan menggunakan metode Representasi Variabel Diskrit (DVR). Penggunaan metode DVR ini dilakukan dengan mengkontruksikan fungsi basis melalui interpolasi Lagrange dan koefisien spektral yang berdasarkan polinomial Chebyshey pada titik Chebyshev-Gauss-Lobatto (CGL). Hasil simulasi dari metode DVR ini memiliki bentuk yang sama dengan 2 jenis solusi eksak persamaan NLS yaitu Schrödinger Nonlinear kubik (CNLS) dan Schrödinger Nonlinear General (GNLS), namun memiliki rentang penjalaran yang berbeda. Perbedaan rentang tersebut dikarenakan adanya kondisi awal yang ditetapkan pada metode DVR ini. Penggunaan metode DVR pada pengkondisian CNLS menghasilkan bentuk soliton onsite. Kata kunci : Representasi Variabel Diskrit, Schrödinger Nonlinear, Schrödinger Nonlinear General, Schrödinger Nonlinear kubik, soliton


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    Basket ball is a sport group consisting of two teams, 5 people for each team. The puprose of the game is to get as many points as possible by entering the ball into the opponent's ring. This study has a purpose, namely to find out the effect of training to use tools on chest pass skills. And to find out using net tools, car tires and targets for chest pass skills at 1 Junior High School. This research used quasi-experimental design used "One Groups PretestPostest Design". The research design that has a pretest before being treat and posttest after being treated. Test results data analyzed through normality test, homogeneity test, and hypothesis test (t test) using Microsoft Excel 2010 application to find out the results of the study. Based on data analysis, this study shows that is a significant influence between training using tools, car tires and targets on basketball extracurricular applications at Sukabumi 1 Junior High School. This is evidenced by the fact that t count is 9.150> 1.71 (t-table) and the magnitude of significance value p 1441.


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    Irvan Maulana, 2017, NIT: 50135060. K, ‘'Optimization of unloading tools to the unloading of goods at PT. Adiguna Putera Surabaya ", mini thesis of Port And Shipping Department, Diploma IV Program, Semarang Merchant Marine Polytechnic, Advisor I: Andy Wahyu Hermanto,ST.,MT Advisor II:Sarifuddin,M.Pd.,M.Mar.E PT. Loading and unloading company Adhiguna Putera is a subsidiary of PT Bahtera Adhiguna (Persero) which is a business of loading and unloading EMLK, Agency and port services that are well integrated and managed based on the principles of good corporate governance. In this case the researcher observes Aspects of unloading tools to support the smooth running of PT. Adhiguna son of Surabaya. The method used in this research is descriptive and qualitative. This reseach written descriptively, which contains descriptions or elaboration of several theories and correlates one variable with another variable. The analysis used in qualitative research is more analytical descriptive meaning interprestasi to the contents made and arranged in a systematic and comprehensive. Based on the results of research conducted at PT. Adhiguna putera there are factors that influence the smoothness of unloading tools namely: How the process of unloading goods at PT. Adhiguna Putera, what is the impact of unloading delay in PT. Adhiguna Putera, what efforts are made to overcome the unloading delay in PT. Adhiguna Putera. The company provides good training to mechanical personnel to improve their skills and training to the loading and unloading equipment operators in the operation of the loading and unloading tools to fit the procedures and instill a sense of responsibility. To take steps to minimize the losses caused by the delay of unloading of goods, Image prusahaan and restore customer trust by way of present and promote well PT. Adhiguna putera Surabaya to the company's service users. The Company takes policy steps on the maintenance and maintenance of loading and unloading aids equipment by setting maintenance schedules, providing training, providing spare parts of loading and unloading equipment and imposing sanctions against officers who are negligent in their duties. Keywords: Optimization, unloading, good

    Implications of the Application of Article 112 Law Number 35 of 2009 Concerning Narcotics in the Case of Narcotics Criminal Acts in Indonesia

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    Article 112 of Law Number 35 Year 2009 concerning Narcotics in addition to causing multiple interpretations, also creates a legal uncertainty in its application. For the purpose of the law to be achieved, a legal method that is firm, clear, does not have multiple meanings, is applied consistently, and is maintained with certainty, the above is called legal certainty. legal certainty is a characteristic that cannot be separated from the law itself, especially the written law, the law will lose its meaning if it is not accompanied by a legal certainty because the law cannot be used as a guide to behave again for all people in other words there is no law if there is no law a legal certainty


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    The use of alternative materials (material added) currentlyare being developed. This research used kaolin as an additive that is expected to increase the strength of concrete in shear forces. The reason is because kaolin has a micro size so as to fill the pores of the concrete and contained 69.08% of silica. This research aimed to know the influence of kaolin to shear strength of reinforced concrete beams. This experiment involved testing the basic constituent materials of concrete according to standard ASTM test specimens followed by the manufacture of reinforced concrete beams with kaolin content 0%, 5.5%, 7.5%, and 9.5% (by weight of cement) to determine the strength sliding. The test results obtained by shear strength reduction occurred at 10.26%, 20.51% and 25.64% for each sample with kaolin content of 5.5%, 7.5%, and 9.5%. Shear strength of reinforced concrete beams decreases with increasing kaolin content in the concrete
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